1. HOME(Corporate Ver 02)
  2. Terms of Use
Terms of Use

1. About use of this website

This website (https://en.groundinc.co.jp/; hereinafter "the Website") is operated by GROUND Inc. (hereinafter "the Company") or its agent. Your access and use the Website will be deemed as acceptance by you of the following terms of use. Please note that part of services provided on this Website may have their own terms of use. Please not that the Terms of Use are subject to change without prior notice.

2. Prohibited Acts

You will not do the following acts in using the Website.
(1) Acts that give, or are likely to give, damage to the Company or third parties
(2) Acts that give, or are likely to give, damage to the property, reputation, privacy, etc. of the Company or third parties
(3) Acts that are, or are likely to be, offensive to public order or morality
(4) Criminal acts or acts that may be led to, or are likely to be led to criminal acts
(5) Acts for the purpose of business activities or profit, or in preparation for such activities
(6) Making false declarations or notifications, such as registering another person's e-mail address.
(7) Using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses
(8) Acts that infringe, or are likely to infringe, on the copyrights or other intellectual property of the Company or third parties
(9) Acts that are, or are likely to be considered election campaigning regardless of whether or not during an election period
(10)Acts that violate, or are likely to violate, laws, statutes or ordinances
(11)Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate
The Company may file a claim for damages against you, in cases of violation of the above.

3. Copyrights and other intellectual property

Copyrights and other intellectual property to information contained in the Website belong to the Company or the rights holders who have authorized their use by the Company. Accordingly, you are prohibited from using (including duplicating, falsifying, or distributing) the information beyond the scope of uses permitted by law, including private use, without prior permission by the Company.
All copyrights to the content of emails we send to you also belong to us, so you will not repurpose or reprint them without our permission.
The rights to the trademarks and service marks used on the Website belong to us or the rights holders who have authorized their use by us. You will not use them without the rights holders' permission.
Click here to inquire about our trademarks and service marks.

4. Disclaimer

Content and other information appearing on the Website are provided on an "as is" basis. The Company makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of any kind whatever; as to its accuracy or completeness, or as to the quality of the service.
We will suspend or discontinue the operation of the Website or change all or a part of its content and other information without prior notice.
The Company will not be held liable for any damages to you arising from your use of the Website or your failure to use it arising from some cause or any damages caused in relation to the writing of data, unauthorized access, statements, email, or similar acts of a third party (including damages caused to you due to problems between you and other users).
The Company will not be obliged to correct any inadequacies in the Website.

5. Handling of personal information

The Company properly manages and uses the personal information based on our Privacy Policy. Your access and use this Website will be deemed as acceptance by you of the Privacy Policy.

6. Recommended environment

The lates version of Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Safari is recommended for viewing the Website. Use of parts of the Website may be impossible in environments other than the recommended one.
Your communications equipment, software, contracts for using telephone services and for internet access, and whatever else needed for the use of the service are at your own responsibility and expense. You are also responsible for any communication fees, connection fees, and other fees related to the use of the service.

7. Suggestions related to the development of new solutions, etc.

The Company do not receive any suggestions from you concerning the development of new solutions, marketing, or the like (hereinafter, "Suggestions"). Your understanding is appreciated.
Please note that we deem all Suggestions have been sent with your approval of the following:
- We will not have confidentiality obligations concerning your Suggestions
- We will not be obliged to examine, evaluate, or otherwise review your Suggestions
- We will not bear any liability whatsoever to you even if all or a part of your Suggestions are similar to ideas, etc. that we have developed

8. Linked site

The third parties' websites (other than the Website) linked to or from the Website (hereinafter, "Linked Sites") are independently operated and maintained by such third parties and are not under the control and/or supervision of the Company. Use of the Linked Site shall be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by the operator of each Linked Site. The Company will not be responsible for any loss or damage, however caused, in connection with the use of Linked Site and your access to any of the Linked Sites shall be at your own risk.
In principle, you are free to link to the Website; however, please note that we may, at our discretion, request the deletion of the link regardless of the content of the linked website (e.g., offensive to public order and morals), the method of linking, or any other reason, before or after the fact. Please delete the link immediately after the request is made.

9. Cookies and similar technologies (web beacons)

The Company may use cookies and similar technologies to collect certain information for purposes such as analyzing the users' usage on our website or providing more customized services to individual customers.

(1) What are cookies and similar technologies?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the user's computer (or smartphone, tablet or any other internet connected device) when accessing this site. Cookies are an industry standard technology that identifies you. Cookies can identify the computer (or device) that the user uses, not the individual user.
"Web beacons" (clear GIF) are small images embedded in online content such as videos and still images or emails. Web beacons refer to a technology that operates in tandem with cookies and enables a web server to know the browsing date and time and other access logs of the email or the Website.

(2) Purpose of use of cookies and similar technologies
The Website may use cookies and similar technologies for the purposes below. The Company does not use information concerning the user's browsing history collected through cookies in a manner that allows us to identify individuals without the customer's consent.
- For statistically analyzing the users' age status of this Website (access logs, traffic, site migration, etc.)
- For making improvements that increase user satisfaction with the content on this Website.
- For customizing the Website to suit how the user uses the website, or providing services that suit matters that the user is interested in.

The following tools may be used for analyzing access to this Website, and information may be supplied to the tool providers.
Information to be collected via tools: user's site usage (access status, traffic, page views per visit of the Website, etc.)
Users may complete the steps shown on the third party's opt-out page below to disable the collection and analysis of data by the Company when you access this Website.

Google Analytics
Tool provider: Google Inc.
BowNow(marketing automation tool)
Tool provider: Cloud CIRCUS, Inc.
BowNow Privacy Policy:

(3) How to control and review cookies and similar technologies
Users who do not want to provide cookie information may configure their settings not to use cookies. Please refer to your browse's "Help" menu for more information on configuring and changing Internet browser settings.

10. Applicable laws and court of jurisdiction

The Terms of Use on this Website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
Any claims or disputes between you and the Company arising out of or in connection with the Website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan.

Last updated: June 1, 2024