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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

GROUND, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) strongly recognizes the social importance of protecting personal information; it hereby prescribes as follows a policy related to protecting personal information; and it is conducting activities to formulate, implement, maintain, and improve mechanisms for managing personal information.

1. Personal information protection system
The Company will ensure that its directors and employees recognize the importance of protecting personal information, and will establish and maintain a management system for the protection of personal information. In addition, we have established “Personal Information Protection Regulations” as internal rules in order to appropriately use and protect personal information.

2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Company will comply with applicable laws, regulations and other standards related to the protection of personal information that we handle or are responsible for, and will strive to continuously improve and enhance our efforts to protect this personal information in accordance with changes in laws and regulations.

3. Acquisition and use of personal information
When obtaining personal information, the Company will clearly indicate, give notification of, or publicly disclose the purpose of use and other items stipulated by law, or by obtaining consent. Except as permitted by law, we will use the personal information within the scope of the purposes of use.

4. Provision or disclosure of personal information to third parties
The Company will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties, except in the cases below.
(1) Cases in which the person has obtained a principal's consent.
(2) Cases in which it is required by laws and regulations.
(3) Cases in which the Company will employ a subcontractor to perform a whole or part of the affairs within the scope necessary to achieve a utilization purpose. In such a case, the Company will be the responsible party and will conduct appropriate management.

5. Safety Management
The Company will take organizational, physical, and technical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “accidents”). If a safety measure problem is found, the cause of the problem is identified and corrective action is taken.

6. Response to accidents
The Company will establish a reporting and response system to minimize the damage caused by accidents involving the handling of personal information, and if an accident should occur, we will investigate the cause and take steps to prevent recurrence.

7. Response to inquiries
We respect your rights regarding your personal information, and when you contact us with a request for disclosure or correction of your personal information, we will respond appropriately and promptly in accordance with the law.

Enacted February 15, 2018
Revised June 1, 2024
CEO Hiratomo Miyata

The Company may update or revise its Privacy Policy without giving advance notification. The updated or revised Privacy Policy will be applied with priority over the Privacy Policy before updating or revision.

Publication under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information

The Company strive to protect personal information appropriately based on its Privacy Policy. The personal information that the Company obtain or possess for business purposes.

1. Name of the business operator handling personal information

2. Utilization purposes of personal information
The Company's utilization purposes of personal information are as stated below:

Utilization purposes and disclosure of personal information directly from the individual concerned either in writing, etc. (including information provided via website, by email, and via similar media; hereafter, "in writing"):

Type of personal information Utilization purposes
Personal information related to individual customers Providing support to users
Managing usage history
Providing information related to the Company's services
Handling inquiries
Personal information related to business partners Confirming an order (communication record, etc.)
Personal information related to The Company's employees Managing the employees' personnel, labor, business performance, health, and security
Personal information related to job applicants Contacting job applicants and managing our recruitment operations
Personal information received from customers with outsourced operation Appropriately providing outsourcing services

The Company will also use personal information for purposes that are expressly stated in writing individually.

3. Provision of personal information to third parties
The Company will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties, except in the cases below.
(1) Cases in which the person has obtained a principal's consent
(2) Cases in which it is required by laws or regulations
(3) Cases in which there is a need to protect a human life, body, or property, and when it is difficult to obtain a principal's consent
(4) Cases in which the Company will employ a subcontractor to perform a whole or part of the affairs within the scope necessary to achieve a utilization purpose
(5) Cases in which the personal information is provided to a Company partner to perform a whole or part of the affairs within the scope necessary to achieve a utilization purpose
(6) Cases in which the personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to a company merger or other reasons
(7) Cases in which there is a need to cooperate with a central government organization or a local government, or an entity engaged by it to perform affairs prescribed by law and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining a principal's consent would interfere with the performance of the said affairs

4. Requests for disclosure of personal information
The Company appropriately respond to requests from an individual for the disclosure, correction etc. (correction, addition or deletion), or suspension of use, etc. (suspension of use, suspension of provision or deletion) of his/her personal information. Please refer to "here" for the request procedure.

5. Contact information for inquiries
For inquiries related to personal information protection, such as the Privacy Policy, please contact the below.

[Inquiry Desk]
the SOHO 302, 2-7-4 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
info@groundinc.co.jp (Business hours: 10:00 to 17:00)
Note: Inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during the year-end and new year holiday, the Golden Week holiday, and other holidays of GROUND Inc. will be handled on the following business day at the earliest.

Procedure of making a request

We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, correction, etc. (correction, addition, or deletion), suspension of use, etc. (suspension of use, provision, or deletion) of personal information subject to disclosure from the person in question or his/her representative.
Requests for disclosure, correction, etc., and suspension of use, etc., should be directed to the inquiry desk below. Upon receiving your contact, we will send you our prescribed “Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information” by mail, fax, or e-mail. Please fill in all the prescribed items and send it by mail, enclosing the necessary documents for identification. The cost of mailing the form is to be borne by the person making the request.
After confirming the identity of the applicant or his/her representative, we will reply to the applicant in writing at the address stated on the request form. Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure that do not follow this procedure.
The fee for the above procedure is 1,000 yen per request. Please enclose a postal money order for 1,000 yen with the request form to be mailed.

[Inquiry Desk]
the SOHO 302, 2-7-4 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
info@groundinc.co.jp (Business hours: 10:00 to 17:00)
Note: Inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during the year-end and new year holiday, the Golden Week holiday, and other holidays of GROUND Inc. will be handled on the following business day at the earliest.