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Corporate Profile


Company Name GROUND Inc.
Head Office Bizflex Kanda 10F, 1-3-33, Kandasuda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0041
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Representative Hiratomo Miyata, Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Establishment April 10, 2015
Capital 100 million yen (June 2024)
Business Portfolio Planning, development, and provision of logistics solutions using leading-edge technologies


Chief Executive Officer, President and Founder Hiratomo Miyata

Hiratomo Miyata graduated from Sophia University's Faculty of Law. In 1996 he joined The Sanwa Bank, Limited (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.) and then in 2000 moved to Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, where he worked on logistics supply chain reform projects mainly for major logistic companies. In 2004, he joined Askul Corporation, where he was responsible for the operation of logistics centers in Japan as general manager of the Logistics Division. He then joined Rakuten Group, Inc. in 2007. After serving as Head of Logistics Preparation Office and Director of Logistics at this company, he established Rakuten Logistics, Inc. and became its representative director in 2010. In 2012, he assumed a post as Executive Officer in charge of the logistics business at Rakuten. He also served as managing director at Alpha Direct Service SAS (France) and served other positions. In April 2015 Miyata co-founded GROUND and assumed his current post as representative director and CEO.

Executive Vice-President Hiroki Yoshino

Hiroki Yoshino joined Nippon Shuppan Hanbai Inc. in 1997. After working for Rakuten, Inc. and SIGMAXYZ Inc, he became Director of Rakuten Logistics, Inc. in 2011 and Representative Director of Logiform Inc. in 2012. He has been consistently engaged in the field of logistics, including strategy, process and service design and cost optimization. In 2014, he became Executive Officer and General Manager of the Logistics Department of MonotaRO Co., Ltd. He built a network of logistics bases, including the establishment of multiple large-scale logistics centers, promoted automation, including the introduction of a total of more than 1,200 AGVs, and led the overall implementation of operational functions such as demand forecasting, inventory placement and customer support. Most recently, he contributed to the concept for and basic design of a next-generation logistics center that utilizes new automation technology. Joined GROUND Inc. in 2024.

Director Atsumi Oku

Atsumi Oku joined Nichimen Corporation (currently Sojitz Corporation) in 1991 and engaged in corporate sales, business development and marketing operations. After joining Rakuten Group, Inc. in 2008, advanced the development of strategies for overseas business development and the acquisition of European companies as the General Manager of the Global Strategy Department and the General Manager of the EU Business Management Office. In 2010, led PMI as CSO and COO of PriceMinister S.A.S. (currently Rakuten France S.A.S.), an acquired company. In 2020, became an Executive Officer of Rakuten Mobile, Inc., where he has since been involved in strengthening sales and marketing and BCP. For many years, he was involved in business development and new market development on a global scale, and also contributed to the management of an overseas company as COO. Joined GROUND Inc. in 2022.

Director Daizo Nakajima

Daizo Nakajima has been involved in developing inventory management, delivery management and customs clearance systems in the warehouse transportation industry since 1997. He joined Saison Information Systems Co., Ltd. in 2001 and was assigned to be a project manager for large-scale SCM systems such as EDI focusing on logistics systems. Since joining GROUND Inc. in 2016 during its start-up period, he has engaged in the planning and development of all software developed in-house, including Intelligent EYE, the predecessor to GWES. He has served as Senior General Manager of the Development Division since 2021, as an Executive Officer since 2022, and became Director in 2024. He holds qualifications such as Certified Logistics Master and Database Specialist.

Outside Director Yoshikazu Yamashita

Manager of Technical Section, The Japan Institute of Material Handling
Advisors, Okamura Corporation

Outside Director Hiroshi Shimizu

Former Managing Director, Manhattan Associates Japan

Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member Ken Sasaba
Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member Shinichiro Kato

Executive Director, The Japan Third Party Logistics Association
Former President, TOYO KANETSU K.K.

Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member Norifumi Tsuruma

Representative Tax Accountant, Tsuruma - Oikawa Tax & Accounting Office

Executive Officer /
General Manager, Solutions
Ryusuke Shinagawa
Executive Officer /
General Manager, Administration
Kosuke Ito
Advisor Koichi Inaba

Former Board member, Okamura Corporation
Former President & Representative Director, Okamura Logistics Corporation