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CEO Message

Aiming to be an entity that is
essential for the logistics industry

GROUND works daily with single-minded dedication on the development and provision of solutions using leading-edge technologies, aiming to achieve our Vision, "A future where logistics are sustainable for everyone, forever."

Looking back on our history since our founding, our product development activities and subsequent market formation efforts are challenges that we took on to open new frontiers. It is also a history that includes many repeated failures and hard experiences.

Nevertheless, we have continued to focus our efforts on product planning and development and carry out business activities on the front lines of logistics. This is because all of us feel that we have a mission as the industry pioneer. I myself have hung onto the idea that the industry expects us to fulfill this role and this idea has not been changed since our foundation.

We can say that our mission and the driving force behind our activities is to contribute passion, intelligence and technology and to continue to create “A future where logistics are sustainable for everyone, forever.”

As our name suggests, we are the “GROUND.”We are an entity that the people working in the logistics industry are not conscious of everyday but that is absolutely essential for them. As exactly this kind of organization, we would like to continue contributing to the development of the logistics industry.

Hiratomo Miyata
Founder & Chief Executive Officer